Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

Hari Blogger Nasional: Why "A Full Time Blogger" Has Become The New Obsession?


Today is Indonesian Blogger's National Day! I don't really know the history of the day. From what I read, Blogger's National Day (Hari Blogger Nasional) was born on 2007 at Pesta Blogger event. Since I consider myself as a blogger, I think at least I have to speak up my point of view of being a blogger, especially in Indonesia.

I started blogging about 8 years ago. Some of you will say, "Whoaa!" Some of you won't even impress at all. I was a little bit late to be touched by technology called internet. When my sister had already had email address back then, I was still like, "What address again?" When some of you already had a bunch of online friends on MIRC, I was still like, "Where the hell is Mr. Postman? I'm waiting for my document!" 

Knowing blog was really an awakening experience for me. I didn't realize how powerful words are when you write it down online. I mean, yeah, I read books. Lots of them. Loving it! Until now. I love writing, with my hands ... and pen. But, putting my written thought online, and knowing that there are people out there reading it, it was awesome! 

Yes, I enjoy every single minute I spend here. Reading other blogs, interacting in bloggers communities, writing reviews, reporting events, etc. I met a lot of new friends, some of them become my new BFF. Some of them become my new BEF (if you know what I mean, LOL). Like Taylor Swift, my motivator, said, "Hater's gonna hate hate hate hate. Shake it off, shake it off." :v Not to mention, I can make money here. How cool is that?

Blogger has become the most wanted persona for various brands/companies. The progress of bloggers' life is so fast, that only pizza delivery can beat (less than 30 minutes). Suddenly, new bloggers with less than 5 years old blog appears to the surface. They seem have no problems at all catching up with older bloggers (hey, you know I'm not talking about age here). One by one, their names becomes famous in bloggers community. Some of them started to have fan base. Blogger is the new celebrity in town, yo! Awesome? Sure! 

Seeing this phenomena of how Indonesian bloggers grow, especially the last 5 years, is amazing. Abruptly, your number of years of blogging is irrelevant to any situations at all. Older bloggers, new bloggers, young, old, famous, newbie, all have the same opportunity to take their blogs to the next level. The idea of becoming a full time or professional bloggers is not so dreamy anymore, even for the newbies. This is good. Competitive atmosphere among bloggers is heating up. I personally, respond to that fact in a positive way. It' s good, when you can compete to any bloggers from any background. Because when you survive, it will be some kind of evidence that you did good.

The idea of becoming a full time blogger doesn't sound so impossible anymore. When your blog has good performance, one day, probably you will think to quit your job and spend the day in front of your laptop, working on your blog and social media accounts. Who would turn down such offer? Working while you're still on your pijama, sipping coffee while publishing your article, making good photos without even leaving your bedroom or the chance to see new places and get paid. I was saying to myself, "Heck, yeah! I can totally be a full time blogger. I can learn and earn so much more!"

So, when the idea of becoming a full time blogger has become the new "IT" among bloggers, what should we do, what should we have and what should we improve? I maybe will disappoint some of you who expect some theories here. Because, same as you, for me this is still a plan. I'm still trying to figure out my way to be a full time blogger. I consider myself as an older blogger with younger experience. There are a lot of things I don't know about blogging, and it doesn't have anything to do with my 8 years of blogging. My blog and my interaction with my fellow bloggers are my space to learn new things, not only about blogging, but about so many things.

Why do I want to be a full time blogger? Because it opens so many doors, that's for sure. I got to meet famous, smart, inspiring, amazing people through blogging. I got to see other countries through blogging. I got to have many new things through blogging. And last but not least, I got hope through blogging. Hope of living a better life, hope of having beautiful friendship, hope of moving other's people heart and hope of becoming a better person, one post at a time.

If there is one advice I can give, "Be yourself, keep learning, don't give up!" This is not a specific advice for bloggers. This is a common advice for a better life. Since blogging has become my life, I adopt and apply that advice for my blogging life. Why I want to be a full time blogger? Because I want everything to be better. For me, my family, my friends, my environment, my country and the world. Bloggers, you should realize how big the power in your hand is. Why dreaming small, while the biggest achievement is waiting for you in the corner. Grab it! Happy Blogger's Day, Indonesia!

Thank You Note

Thank you for supporting Blog Emak Gaoel! ^_^


Kampung Fiksi

Crafting for Charity

Komunitas Lebah

Kumpulan Emak Blogger

Warung Blogger

Inspirational People

Encik Amir (

Mr. Clay Myers

Kim Garst

Melyssa Griffin

Brands (2015)



Penerbit Mizan

Happy Fresh

Summarecon Bekasi




Tabloid NOVA


Entrada Resto & Bar

Max Factor



75 komentar:

  1. wah... sudah mulai nih postingan dgn bhs inggrisnya... atau memang udah lama menulis dgn menggunakan bhs inggris? hehehe....

    1. udah ada beberapa kok, kebanyakan review buku dari luar... ;)

  2. 8 years ago? Whoaaa.. seniooorrr bangeet.. (at least for me) :))

    1. eaaa...ada yang udah belasan tahun lho ngeblog... ^_^

  3. I'm proud being blogger, because my passion being money :)

  4. Happy Blogger's Day \(○^ω^○)/
    And I learn so much all about blog from your blog sist, never stop for writing and sharing ^o^

  5. aku penggemar berat blogmu mak, keep writing, keep blogging, keep sharing and inspiring..kiss..kiss...

    1. you too, mak! keep writing, keep blogging, keep sharing and inspiring :*

  6. Kereeen emak gaoel. Pengen mengikuti jejakmu

    1. hati2 kalau ngikutin aku ya mak...aku tukang nyasar :)))

  7. Dari awal ketemu blog ini (sampai sekarang) aku udah sukaaaaa banget, mak. Mangaaatt mak :)

  8. Love this blog soooo much. Every time i come to visit this blog there is always new things to learn. Keep blogging..keep inspiring mak
    I do hope that I can be like u someday

    1. I love your blog too, maak...
      thank you so much :*

  9. How great you are, you've blogged since 8 years ago, it was a long time mak. And now you sucess build your own personal branding.

    1. i wouldn't called it a success...
      there are many successful bloggers to look up to...
      keep learning... ^^

  10. Sudah pakai bahasa Inggris. Keren bener Maaak dirimu. Bakal terus melangkah maju ni yaak. I wish I could be a great blogger like you! In the near future. ^^

  11. Aku mulai ngeblog dari 2005 mak,isinya curhat semua. Sempat vakum karena bocah dan baru melek lagi di akhir tahun lalu. Seriusss kaget dengan perubahan dunia perbloggeran. Dan lebih kaget lagi ternyata dari ngeblog bisa menghasilkan. Yaaaeeelah telat banget kan yaa...

    Keep sharing,keep inspiring ya mak...dikau idola ku

    1. weh keren, dari 2005 udah kenal blog...
      aku masih sibuk sama henpon nokia pisang... :v :v

  12. Old blogger with younger experience ;) I like the sound of that. It reminds me that we may have been blogging for ages but still needs a lot to learn ♡♡♡

  13. I do...
    I fell so happy knowing my blog was read by others
    Blog is another perfect way in sharing everything

  14. selamat hari Blogger Nasional ya mak.. :)

    salam kenal dari saya..

    1. selamat hari blogger nasional...
      salam kenal juga, ya... ;)

  15. Selamat hari blogger nasional mak...
    Belum terfikir jadi full time blogger nih, hehehhe

  16. I gotta learn so many things from you Mbak. This post is so inspiring it makes me galau. :D

    1. don't be galau...just be the best...tsaelah.. :)))

  17. Selamat Hari Blogger nasional Mak..keren..dah lancar cas..cis..cus bahasa Inggris.

    1. selamat hari blogger juga, maak...
      belum lancar ini...hihihihi...
      latihan teruuuss... :D

  18. wiiih bahasa inggrish :v
    selamat hari blogger maak :d

  19. Nice posting... being fulltime blogger is one of my dream because it has no working time and i dont have to pursue 'mesin absen' every morning :D

  20. Wahh... Berarti usia blog ini sama kayak hari Blogger Nasional 2015 ke- 8 donk mak... Wah mak gaoel konsisten ya...

    1. iya kayanya...hihihihi....konsisten banget baru 6 tahun terakhir kayanya...semoga bisa terus istiqomah.. hihihihi

  21. because making blogger as a full time job is not impossible for now :D

  22. uuhhh jadi rada nambah smart ^.^ thanks emak gaoooo super kece..... mantap mbak...

  23. Aahhh... tulisannya bikin ngaca nih mak. Smoga aku bs semangat rajin posting. Biar bisa full time blogger dan menghasilkan. Haha..

    1. aamiin...
      ikutan ngaca...benerin gincu, ada yg nempel di gigi :)))

  24. yuhuuu 8 years ago. Wah SUHU... Maaf SUHU permisi blogwalking :)

    1. duh, suhu bukan di sini...ada di blog lain kayanya...
      di sini buddy aja.. :p

  25. ga cuma agnes monica yang go internasional, emak gaoel juga euyyy, keren!!!!
    btw BFF dan BEF itu apa mak? ga paham

  26. Let's keep writing and remain inspired.
    Wow, so many brands, so many benefits, indeed.
    Happy blogging, Mak.
    Thanks for sharing

  27. Yes, I'm fulltime blogger... I hope so.
    Amazing, banyak banget brands nya, Emak Gaoel gituuuh. Happy blogging, Mak Gaoel. Keep sharing, thank's so much ^_^

    1. wow, full time blogger! i have to learn from you! ^_^

  28. So Amazing, having figure as like Emak Gaoel Winda Krisnadefa, that always giving me spirit to try and try to be professiional blogger. And i also agree with your statement if “Blogger is the new celebrity in town, yo! Awesome? Sure! “ yuppp
    Thanks so much for giving me many inspiration Emak Gaoel, ^_^

    1. you're very welcome ^^
      I hope you find this blog useful for you...

  29. Pengennya jadi blogger full time, tapi masih terikat sama kantor hiks-hiks, tapi semoga saja sebentra lagi bebas dari kantor dan bisa full time, Amin

  30. Selamat hari blogger :) Haduh bahasa inggris semua ... gimana mau komennya ahahha

    1. lah ini udah komen... :)))
      selamat hari blogger juga ya...

  31. Amazing.
    Want to try blogging in English as well. Pretty cool, actually. ~_*
    You are truly my inspirator, Sis *bighug
    Wish, I have chance to have a chat with you in a real world...

    1. aaah, aamiin...
      semoga kita bisa ketemuan yaa.. ;)

  32. Wah... sudah delapan tahun.... Hemm...
    Salah satu blogger lawas rupanya...
    Cukup menyimak aja tentang "Hari Blogger Nasional"...
    Mudah-mudahan tahun depan saya bisa mengerti lebih mendalami arti dari hari blogger nasional...
    BTW, saya tidak salah kamar kan?

    1. salah kamar?
      di sini gak ada kamar...berarti salah gedung kali, mas... :)))

  33. met nasional blogger day, 7 years, if i look back my first post in my blog, but still dont have any clue what will i do next, until a couple month before, i just commited to post regullary... then wait and see what happen

    1. selamat hari blogger...semoga tetap semangat ngeblog ya.. :)

  34. Thanks for mentioning Komunitas Lebah. We all appreciate your support to our community.

  35. wah nyasar ke sini.. ternyata ini blog emak gaul.. gilee.. keren maak :D
