Senin, 30 November 2015

What If the World Doesn't Have Smartphone?


Let me take you to the era when phone was just phone. It's nothing but talking and texting device. Phone was just phone, without title "Smart" before its name. Because at that time, the only smart ones were just us, human.

The smartness of human has evolved. Phone which was claimed as smart phone arrived. Most of us embracing the moment. Sending photo was like as easy as waving Harry Potter's magic wand. Texting speed was like we were just talking with someone in front of us, face to face. It was just like yesterday, when trying to reach someone for urgent matter was a huge problem. We were waiting and worrying without knowing where our loved ones were. And now, just a click or tap on your smartphone's screen, you are able to locate them. Everything was so clear and noticable in instant. Suddenly, our life becomes so different. Life back then was so simple yet complicated. Life today is becoming so "complicated" yet simple. 

Some people are struggling to embrace the evolution of the way we communicate today. Skeptical thought emerged as an excess of the way we connect with other people today. Some say, "Life is what happens to you while you are looking at your smartphones." Indeed. Some of us forget that life is not stopping even when we're so busy typing on our smartphone's screen, scroll down an article in our browsers, giggling at some funny pictures on social media, or stalking at someone's relationship. Yes, technology can sometimes be so intriguing and addicting. It  comes to choices, whether you let your smartphones control you or you control your smartphones so you can be smarter people? It's totally up to you.

Hisense PureShot+, image from

I, my self, am one of those who embracing the evolution of how we connect nowadays. I welcome social media enthusiastically. I thank God for email and chat apps gratefully. I jump excitedly for photo and camera on my smartphones like little kids got a basket of candies. Yes, I am that excited. Because I'm aware, evolution is something that humanity can't resist. People invented something in order to survive. 

My best friend, Indah Julianti, recently got her new smartphone from Hisense, PureShot+. She told me her experience of using it and how PureShot+ have helped her daily life as a mom and a professional blogger. PureShot+ has been a huge help for a multitasking mom and blogger like Indah. It helps her capturing her motherhood with her children through the 13 MP front camera and 6 MP rear camera on PureShot+ from HisenseProcessor octa-core 64-bit Qualcomm Snapdragon 415 with clock speed 1.4GHz has definitely help her hectic days as a founder of some bloggers' communities. As she flies to some cities in Indonesia, the job as a mom and a blogger is not stopping. It's a constant work that needs high performance device as a supporting tool. She needs smartphones that can stay awake with her. In other words, she prefers her smartphones to have a long last battery, and PureShot+ with Qualcomm Snapdragon processor has made the 2200 mAh battery capacity work optimally. There's nothing can stop the move of my busy friend there. Haha! 

Indah Julianti, a mom, active blogger and founder of blogger's community (photo courtesy: Indah Julianti)

In other words, Hisense PureShot+ has made Indah's life reimagined. She doesn't miss any moments with her family, she keeps doing her duty as a community person, she flies all over country to spread the spirit of blogging. All of that is possible now, thanks to Hisense PureShot+

For me, Indah is an example of person who is smart with her smartphone. She uses it to upgrade her life. The controls is in her hands. And it starts when she chose Hisense PureShot+ as her partner. I am so gonna follow her steps real soon. I need my Hisense PureShot+ too to reimagine my life. I need it to manage all the hectic stuff happening around me and inside my head. I want to be that person who embrace the growth of technology and refuse to be drawn in it. 

Indah's daughter, photo taken by Hisense Pureshot+ camera (photo courtesy: Indah Julianti)

I believe that we are not our gadgets. Everything comes from the inner side of ourselves. Become a good person, a great motivator, a creative one, is our choice. To make the gadgets as a supporting tool shows that we're one step ahead in this fast moving world. 

"What if the world doesn't have smartphone?" We still live for sure. We would still spend the same amount of time on something that actually can be done in seconds. We could still be wondering where were our kids, helpless. Would you decline the chance of being a better and more productive person with a help of the technology? It's your choice. I know mine. 

A note from Indah, "Winda, you should use this Hisense PureShot+. It's awesome!"

26 komentar:

  1. wuaaa...bacanya sambil nenteng kamus nih. Semoga menang ya mbak Win, bareng mak Injul

  2. Istimewa.., sambung do'a yaa ✽̶┉♏∂Æ™┈⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡♈̷̴.., Al the best ♥

  3. Istimewa.., sambung do'a yaa ✽̶┉♏∂Æ™┈⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡♈̷̴.., Al the best ♥

  4. cakeeep kali mak.
    good luck yaa :D
    *bacanya sambil sesekali buka google translate :p

  5. Tau maksud judulnya mak... Tapi gak tau secara pasti yang di jelasin... *anak kampung.. Hehehe..

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  7. Deleted previous comment because accidentally I hit the enter button :( Anyway, I hope you will win :)

  8. Sampe pusing mesti bolak balik buka kamus, hihiii
    Moga sukses ya mbaaaak, menangin hadiahnya halan-halan ke Australia :)

  9. Baru kali ini due baca postingan lomba tanpa segala macam infografis bla bla bla itu, yang kece badai.
    All the best for you, Winda. Mau kasih jempol 16 tapi cuma punya 4 :)

  10. Eh?? Di blog ini gak ada fasilitas terjemah, kah? Xixixi. Jadinya buka kamus deh biar faham isinya. :D Semoga menang.

  11. Hhihihi kudu pelan-pelan bacanya mengingat memori kosa kata englishku yang pas-pasan.Good luck Mak.

  12. dari baca komentar diatas sih tulisan ini untuk dilombakan ya good luck semoga menang aamiin... :)

  13. pengantarnya iya juga ya mak, Phone was just phone, without smart. Good luck yo Mbak

  14. good luck mak gawul..

    wish you all the best wis lah pokoke..

    i am smarter then my smartphone mak.. bhahaha

  15. So true, Mak. Real smartphone like Hisense Pureshot does reimagine and enrich our life as well. I want to have one, too, hopefully. And may this post take you to Australia in the best possible way.

    Go get it, mak!

  16. saya kira ceritanya andaikan tidak ada smartphone beneran...mak...
    kalau iya....*ide tulisan di blog*

  17. Saya baca ini kepleset melulu. Bayangin kalo nana yang baca. Pasti bagus banget :))

  18. I must say I'm also addicted to smartphone and internet, but I my friend clearly know that if we hangout together I'm the one who always remind them to keep their smartphone in pocket *halah keminggris*

  19. Saat masuk rumah smartphone gw langsung disita bini,,, *jagain bocil maen*

  20. Artikelnya kereeen bgt. Langsung kepingin hisense juga wkwkwk...

  21. paling suka pas kata2 ini "Because at that time, the only smart ones were just us, human." hehehehe
