Rabu, 13 Januari 2016

Top 5 Most Viewed Posts on 2015 (And Why It's Popular)

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I just read an article from one of social media experts yesterday. She asked, "Have you ever put together a "best of 2015" content article? If not, I would love to encourage to you consider it!" Why? Because you and many people who read your post will get a great values. You will be able to see what trends your blog was tending for the past year. From there, you'll be able to set new goals. For your visitors, they will be able to see some of your best contents for the last year. So, without further do, here are my top 5 contents of 2015 based on Google Analytics.

This post is my review about a very popular English course in Indonesia. I happened to experienced the placement test for my son. The tittle is intriguing, and the fact that this post is also my all time most viewed, it shows that there are a lot of people out there who is looking for this type of post. I suggest you to write similar post, especially if you have the experience. That would be great for your blog and useful for your readers. 

This was my old post, but still get the second place for the most viewed article on 2015. It is my tutorial of hand sewing my daughter's dress. It was my first and only experience sewing my daughter's dress. I was so excited and happy with the result. I also post step by step pictures there. I guess the words "Hand Sewing" were one of the things that drove people to come. If you have crafter's hands and a DIY's enthusiast, make some kind of tutorial posts on your blog would be great. I never realized that there are a lot of people looked for this kind of post until I posted it. Now, I have a special section here called "Tutorial and DIY"

Oh, it's no secret that hosting a blog competition or giveaways will give such tremendous visits for your blog. I usually hosted one or two blog competitions/giveaways in a year. It's a win-win event, fun for everybody. I got the traffic, the contestants got the chance to win something. Not to mention, you get new followers, and that means you get new friends. It's highly recommended activity for your blog. At least do it once a year. It's even better if you can get sponsor. 

This post is my review about a very popular funpark in Jakarta, Dunia Fantasi (Fantasy Land). I wrote it completely, from the ticket price to the how-to explore the whole area in there. And I also gave some tips so people won't be wasting their times there. I guess, because it's such a very popular tourism attraction, many people research the articles that contain the name; Dufan. This is also one of my all time most viewed post. So, for you who like to travel and visit interesting places, give some effort to write it down on your blog. A lot of people get help from there.

I'm not normally make this kind of tittle for a blog post. But since this post was to promote my new book, I used it. And, tadaaa! Some of you are so desperately looking for love. Hahaha. Other than that, I think this post is also popular because I put some of my Facebook's friends comments in there. I made some kind of polling about what stupid things they have ever done because of love. My suggestion, polling is another good way to increase your blog traffic. 

So, there! My Top 5 Most Viewed Posts on 2015. What's yours? ;)

21 komentar:

  1. Saya bayangkan postingan ini dibaca sama Safina :) Pasti keren abis dah. Saya gak sanggup bacanya mak, ada versi Indonesia? hihihihi

  2. thanks again for put another idea to post on my blog Mak :) I like Safina's dress ^_^ Maybe you can make one for me too someday? :D

  3. Mak, usul dong dikasih aplikasi terjemahan. Xixixi

  4. Request aplikasi terjemahan di blog dong. Xixixi

  5. Safina look so cute with her dress. hihihih *belajarbahasainggrisjuga*

  6. caranya gmn mba, bisa tau top 5 most viewed posts-nya?

  7. Menurut saya yang paling keren itu no 2 mak.... beauh jahit tangan..

  8. I personally love number 4 the most because it's kinda reference for me if someday I visit Dufan. I'll share my top 5 most viewed post too! Thanks for the idea :D *boleh ya ikutaaann*

  9. Aku ingat baju yang safina pakai buatan mbak winda itu. Hihihi.. Masih cukup kah skrg? Sekarang kan safina dah cepet bgt gedhe

  10. Wow... pengen bikin postingan kayak gini pake bhs inggria. Tp gak pede.

  11. kalau saya top postnya ditaro di sidebar, Mak. Yang dibikin posting top photo yang diupload di socmed :D

  12. Nggak ada makeup tutorial. :3
    Okeh, gue bikin ginian juga ah.

  13. wah berarti orang indo banyak gak bisa inggris :3 soalnya dia cari informasi tentnya kursus bahasa inggris wkwk :v

  14. Mba.. ajarin donk bs bikin blog post bahasa inggris yg enak dan enjoy.. gede bgt nih ga pede nya.. anyway.. aku kudu nyoba hand sewing jd deh.. minat bgt pgn nyobain

  15. wah bahasa inggris.. mau dunk diajarin biar bisa cas cis cus :)

  16. Ituh Safina masih imut-imut bingits. Ulalalaaa *salah fokus*

  17. nice post... thankyou Mak. salam kenal :)

  18. Aku udah pernah baca semuaaaaa

  19. postingan paling populer dalam 1 tahun... klo gw gak mo bikin ah, malu soalnya yg populer itu2 muluk.. blom ada peningkatan nie

  20. Kereen abis mak. Jadi terinspirasi juga mau buat ini di blog. Hihihi

  21. Roaming aku baca tulisan pake bahasa inglis ini hahaha
    Jadi kangen pengen ke dufan hahaha
